Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Donations and sponsorship

Sponsor miles while donating to Kidneeds...

1. Determine Amount

The first thing you want to do is determine the type and quantity of miles you want to purchase. A table summarizing the options is included below.

Breakaway ---- $10/mile ---- downhill sections
Easy Rider ---- $25/mile ---- moderate incline
Iron Giant ---- $100/mile -- Steep mountain climbs
Hidalgo --------
$50/mile --- Desert

You are able to make donations in honor of someone! Provide their name and address along with the donation and we will send them a notification.

2. Specify Donation

Please include the following information when donating online or via mail:

Number of miles

Type of miles

State preference

Well wishes

Example: 3, Hidalgo miles, NewMexico, Good Luck Steve!

3. Donating Online
Click the button below and follow instructions for filling out the form.


4. Donating via Mail
Write checks to Kidneeds and send to this address:

Kidneeds, GCRCF
P.O. Box 1324
Iowa City, IA

Kidneeds is very appreciative of all donations! Thank you for supporting us and Steve in these efforts to further research for DDD.

Kidneeds is a fund of the Greater Cedar Rapids Foundation with 501(c)(3) tax status.
Donations go directly to Kidneeds are not refundable, even if Steve becomes unable to complete the Tour.

Email questions to

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