Henry Ford said- "You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give!" Cheers and a Fabulous Adventure to someone who never stops going the extra mile(s )for others. -Lynne
(This is the first blog we have made and we haven't figured out all the tricks. We hope you will leave a comment, but I don't know how to make the comment link pop up at the top of the page. So please scroll down to the bottom of any page in the blog and click on post a comment. A pop up window will show and at the top click Jump to comment form you can enter your comment there. Thanks very much!!)
When the sandbags were still winning on Sunday June 8.

Dubuque St. from Jenna's house to the hospital, Uni of Iowa and work.
Park Road bridge with debris on it. Bridge to the School of Art and Art History where Steve works.
Click on photos to enlarge.
Anonymous said...
Good luck Steve! We will be cheering you on as we watch your progress. This ride makes Ragbrai look like a trike ride down the block!
May 14, 2008 1:06 PM
Steve, Thank you and good luck on your trip! We'll be thinking of you with every mile!
As a friend of Jami's, I thank you for your efforts - best wishes!
Good Luck on your ride! I'm sure you'll have lots of interesting stories to tell when you get back!
~ Christine Weirich
Hi Steve,
What an adventure you will have and so many folks will be cheering you on. Take care and may the wind be at your back.
Thanks for doing the interview for the library..can't wait to see the finished DVD.
Be well and good luck.
Ellen Buchanan
Steve. Greetings from the Lannings, Jenna's family in Seattle. I will be riding next to you in spirit as I do my modest daily urban bike commute. The only thing more inspiring than your enduro trek is your commitment to draw attention and funds to DDD. Thank you for that. Jeniphr
P.S. Love that packing list especially the Butt'r but where's the chocolate?
It was nice meeting you at Lynne's home the other day. I want to thank you for your efforts to help raise funds for Kidneeds research. May you stay safe and healthy during this journey.
Jenna's grandmother.
Thank you for everything you're doing!! Jami's is one of the most important people in my life! Love her!!!
Thank you so much for all the effort and hard work that you are putting yourself through for other people. It is an amazing thing you are doing and it is greatly appreciated by all the DDD families.
Dear Steve - I am so technically challenged that I've been trying to comment since the blog went up and get stonewalled somehow. And what do I do all day? Sit in front of a computer!
I want to say lots of things, but first and foremost - God bless you and your family with sun and cloudless skies as you try to dry out. We've been watching the news and cannot believe what you're going through.
Secondly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you're doing. It takes great courage to attempt it at all and even more to attempt it alone.
Thirdly, I'd love to share my Kidneeds story with you....and will....if I figure out how to do it!
Now....I have fingers and toes crossed (which is why I stopped at "thirdly" - I had nothing to count on) - fingers and toes crossed that I can post this to you.
Prayers and thoughts are with you,
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